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#LastSummer - the Ice Bucket Challenge!

#LastSummer - the Ice Bucket Challenge!

#LastSummer - the Ice Bucket Challenge!

It's Motor Neurone Disease Awareness month this June..

Their theme this year is #LastSummer. Who can forget the (literal) deluge of videos across the globe of people taking part in the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise awareness of MND? It was without question one of social media’s greatest viral events and will most certainly go down in history!

Sadly though, now the world has moved on, many people with MND are still in need of help. Last Summer was exactly that for some people, their last.

Great steps have been taken to improve people’s knowledge of this progressive disease, especially with Eddie Redmayne’s Oscar winning performance in ‘The Theory of Everything’. There is still much to be done to ensure we continue to support and care for those with MND, and give them the dignity and quality of life all of us deserve.

Have a look on their website for more information about how you can help or just find out more about MND. Perhaps even have a chuckle at your own 'soaking' if you took part!